Draft Week Special - Best of TwistedFans
Best Pick up Lines Heard at Wimbledon
* Did you know I've got a birthmark on my ass shaped like Pikachu?
* Suddenly, the score is Love-Love.
* Wanna see my pocket monster?
* Your lap or mine?
* I've got the keys to Voltron!
* Guess what I got caught in the ball machine once?
* My tennis balls aren't the only furry thing on this court.
* That’s not just a ball lodged in my short-shorts, I’m really happy to meet you!
* Hey little boy, would you like to learn how to hit the balls as hard as Andre?
* To be successful you have to grab the bull by the horns, little grasshopper -- GRAB IT!
Twisted Statistics
Bombs Away! Barry Bonds' 2001 Fart Tracker
Farts:Ê 131
Projected Farts:Ê 249
Avg. Seconds per Fart:Ê 1.6
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