The World's Funniest Athletic Supporters

Volume 1, Issue 49  May 21, 2002


Priest Holmes Changes Name to 'Rabbi' Amid Church Scandals
Selig Predicts Milwaukee Will Be Only NL Team After Contraction
NAMBLA Chapter Urges Padres to Change Name to Pedophiles


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Twisted Quote of the Week

Steve Francis, after getting the first pick in the NBA 2002 Draft: "We obviously don't need a point guard."

• 2002 NBA Draft: TwistedFans Predicts the First 10 Picks

Sports Parody & Satire

Knicks' GM Trades 7th Pick for Ping-Pong Ball

Braves Try to Revive Season; Fire Mascot

NHL Announces 3-Game Regular Season for 2003

If Shaq Was in Law Enforcement

Mr. Bozack's Corner
The Double Standard

Navratilova Announces: I'm Straight

TwistedFans Exclusives


TwistedFans II Sports Blahg ~ Cuban to Media: "I'm gonna cut off your f*ck*n nuts!"


Byron Scott Eg-O-Meter

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