The World's Funniest Athletic Supporters

Volume 1, Issue 37  February 19, 2002


NFL Concedes: Texans Can Execute Players In Lieu of Cuts
MLS Soccer Draft Goes By Quietly

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After Further Review...

And the Gold goes to...Elena Berezhnaya, Anton Sikharulidze, Jamie Sale, David Pelletier....

Olympic Officials declare "Gold medals for everyone!" Now would that make everyone happy? Enough already! This is like awarding the Raiders a share of the Pats Super Bowl Trophy.

Click here for more!

Sports Radio Caller Just Won't Stop Calling Sports Radio Show

KANSAS CITY, MO ~ "Jerome from Wichita" is beginning to scare the staff at WWRS SportsBeat radio, sources say.  "Jerome is a frequent caller, but lately he's been off the hook," said host Bob Reitz.  Jerome called the
station at 4:03a.m. this morning to discuss the Royals, Jayhawks and Wiz, and then again at 11:34a.m. to talk about the Chiefs and the Bizzaskets, the imaginary Kansas City NBA team in his head.


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Anton Sikharulidze

Ashton Kutcher aka "Kelso"

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