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Tues, Nov 6, 2001

After World Series, Brenly Calls Yankees ‘Bush League'


by Butch Rogaine
PHOENIX, AZ – Arizona Diamondbacks manager Bob Brenly, rather than celebrate his championship, took out time to hold a press conference in which he accused the New York Yankees of taking part in "bush league" tactics during the Series. The following were among the manager's complaints:

     1) After the Diamondbacks built a 2 games to 0 lead, the Yankees attempted to come back from the deficit by winning three games at Yankee Stadium. "Once the other team wins the first two games, it's all but a foregone conclusion that they will win the series. The admirable thing to do is lose gracefully. We were taken completely by surprise when they won games 3 through 5," explained Brenly, who earlier this season criticized Padres' catcher Ben Davis for bunting for a base hit during Curt Schilling's attempt at a perfect game.
Above: Bob Brenly's new tatoo!

     2) After falling behind in games 4 and 5, the Yankees took part in late inning heroics to come back against reliever Byung-Hyun Kim. "Everyone knows that once the other team is winning and has their closer in the game, you're supposed to strike out or hit the first pitch for an out. The game is supposed to be over. Who'da thunk they'd actually try to come back. It was totally unprofessional and against the essence of the game. B-H was despondent. The poor guy, he was eating cats just a few years ago. He didn't understand any of what happened. I had a hard time explaining to him why a team would do what the Yanks did. They were poor sports."

     3) After falling behind 15-0 in Game 6, the Yankees scored three runs. "When we scored 10 runs, I wanted to go home. I coulda gone to sleep a few hours earlier and started preparing for game 7. Instead, I had to sit on that damn bench and stare at Don Zimmer across the field for an extra few minutes. What a waste!"

     4) With the Series tied 3-3, the Yankees showed up for Game 7. "I was shocked when I got a phone call on Sunday morning that the Yankees were gonna be at BOB (bankone- ballpark). What were they thinking? Didn't they know we were the champs? They shoulda just forfeited the game and the Series. It was a very amateur move and unbecoming of former champions."


Butch Rogaine merely reports the news, he doesn't make it up.

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ALSO SEE: Bob Brenly's Rules of the Game

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