



Willy’s Wild NFL Predictions 2002

Willy P. Archive


     You can bet on Willy P. Last year he predicted the Bears' rise to prominence, and the year before that, the Eagles'. (But, he's also been pulling for the Bengals for the last three years.) Here are his prophetic visions for the year 2002. *Denotes playoff team.

*Jets. 11-5.  Hear that?  It's "J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets"! These guys are looking pretty snazzy this year. Watch for Vinny T. and co. to return to 1998 form and make a serious run at the playoffs.

Bills. 9-7. Hmm...Drew Bledsoe, Eric Moulds, Peerless Price? Even if their defense sucks this year...this reenergized offense should post some solid victories this year.

Dolphins. 8-8. Normally, I would expect this to be like any other year for the Dolphins-- winning the AFC East, losing 63-7 in the 2nd round of the playoffs-- but something just don't smell right in Miami this year.  It could just be that weird Ricky Williams guy. (I don't like him!)

Patriots. 7-9. One-year wonders? Nah, not exactly. Just regression toward the mean. That means New England mediocrity.

*Steelers. 12-4. Ha-ha. It's almost laughable. The almost-Super Bowl team gets the 31st easiest schedule in the league. This should be a breeze. Whoosh...

*Bengals. 9-7. Yes, the Bengals. Humor me a little bit, O football gods up high. Gus "The Answer" Frerotte and a newly revamped defense WILL resurrect this sorry franchise this year! They're due, due, due! Stop laughing now.

Browns. 8-8.  I feel like I'm the only person who's not on the Browns' jockstrap this year. What it is about Tim Couch I don't like?  Maybe it's the fact that he can't seem to get this offense together. Also, their talented defense will not likely get 33 interceptions again like they did last year.  Expect an unexpected letdown this year.

Ravens. 6-10.  Hey, did you hear that one about the team who lost all of their starters from the Super Bowl team of two years ago?  Ha, they SUCKED! I mean they really sucked!

*Colts. 13-3.  Manning's high-powered offense + weak division + Dungy's defensive prowess = welcome back, Indianapolis Colts.  This will be the team we've been envisioning all along since the Triplets II arrived.

*Titans. 10-6. Jeff Fisher is so cool, kids all over Nashville are growing broom-thick mustaches in his likeness.  Eddie George returns to form, and Steve McNair has another quietly dominant season.

Texans. 8-8.  A happy medium for the first-year Texans.  And Dom Capers takes full responsibility!  Hooray, Texans!

Jaguars. 3-13. Ooooh, don't look now. But the Jags are freefalling faster than Mark Brunell's knees in front of the Pope.  And the Pope might just come in handy for this team, by the way.  Start praying now, Jaguars fans.

*Broncos. 9-7. Shanahan's soldiers will find a way to win this division this year, by lots of clawing and scratching. They will get the division one way or another. Way to go, Mike!

Chiefs. 9-7. Dick Vermeil will get a taste again of that Super Bowl success he had three years ago.  Notice I said taste, not a whopping plateful. Maybe more like a sip. A little, tiny sip.

Chargers. 8-8. The Bolts have a pretty decent team, it's just that Marty Schottenheimer I'm worried about. Why do I get this nagging feeling that he should have retired after Redskins owner Daniel Snyder crushed his ego?  It's OK, Marty. Daniel bad, Daniel very bad.

Raiders. 7-9. Bill Callahan has pretty big shoes to fill with Gruden's departure.  It doesn't help matters that Rich Gannon, Tim Brown and Jerry Rice will all collectively show their age very quickly this year. Quick, get a doctor!

*Cowboys. 11-5. Yee-haw! Dallas' defense carries this team on its back to a division title, and Dave Campo happily practices new songs to sing for "Hard Knocks III" karaoke. Yo Dave, I recommend "I'm So In Love WithYou." 

Eagles. 8-8. It's gonna be one of those seasons for the Eagles.  A string of bad losses, a string of close losses, and missing Jeremiah Trotter for every game.  You'll get 'em next year Donovan.

Giants. 7-9. They try, give them that much. And Jim Fassel is no quitter. And the Giants always seem to play their best when their backs are up against the wall.

Redskins. 7-9. You heard it here first: halfway through the season, this awesome defense will grow so tired of watching their futile offense, that they will simply give up. Snyderville will be in shambles yet again.

*Vikings. 12-4.  Mike Tice will whip these boys back into shape faster than Denny Green downs jello shots at a UMinn fraternity party.  You're in for a rude awakening, NFC North.

*Packers. 10-6. The Packers also have an easy schedule this year. Brett Favre will lead his new corps of wide receivers to another enjoyable, successful season.

Bears 9-7.  Playing 16 away games after a surprise successful season, and a devastating loss in the playoffs last year, has "transitional" written all over it to me. Give it another year, Chi-town. 

Lions 6-10.  I actually feel like the Lions could do even better than 6-10 year, but I'm playing it safe here. Az Hakim was a beautiful pickup for them. 

*Falcons. 10-6. There's something happy brewing in Atlanta these days. You just wait and see. Dan Reeves will have these guys back in the playoffs again.

Saints. 9-7. Oooh, the Saints will come close to making the playoffs this year. And it will be fun to watch Jim Haslett blow a gasket on the final day of the season.  Still though.No Ricky? no problem.

Buccaneers 9-7. I am not quite sold on this Gruden thing yet. He's no magic man, and with John Lynch aging and Warren Sapp still bitching, it will be the same old Bucs we know and tolerate.  Don't be fooled:  there's nothing terribly new in Glazerville.

Panthers. 5-11. John Fox will have a respectable first season in Carolina. And Julius Peppers will earn rookie of the year honors.


"Yessss! C'mon, boys! It's time to win a SUPER Bowl!! Are these pants too tight?"
*49ers. 11-5.  Jeff Garcia will take his team on a joyous ride through the regular season, and the playoffs, in 2002-2003. Joyous. Filled with happiness and joy. :  )

*Rams. 10-6. The Rams will repeat their 2000-2001 stunt of trying to be a successful playoff team as a wild card. Only this time they will do better than losing the first round (as they did to the Saints two years ago). This time it'll be the NFC championship game.

Cardinals. 9-7. I like this Dave McGinnis guy. You can bet your ass that he'll have these guys up to the challenge of their new division.

Seahawks. 7-9. Mike Holmgren after Green Bay is like Grand Funk Railroad after the Seventies. It just don't work. His plans to get back to the Big Game will be derailed yet again by ironic twists of fate. (Should've stayed in Green Bay, Mike!)


NFC East Projected
  1   Cowboys 11-5
  2   Eagles 8-8
  3   Giants 7-9
  4   Redskins 7-9
NFC North  
  1   Vikings 12-4
  2   Packers 10-6
  3   Bears 9-7
  4   Lions 6-10
NFC South  
  1 Falcons 10-6
  2 Saints 9-7
  3 Buccaneers 9-7
  4 Panthers 5-11
NFC West  
  1   49ers 11-5
  2   Rams 10-6
  3   Cardinals 9-7
  4   Seahawks 7-9
AFC East Projected
     Jets 11-5
     Bills 9-7
     Dolphins 8-8
     Patriots 7-9
AFC North  
     Steelers 12-4
     Bengals 9-7
     Browns 8-8
     Ravens 6-10
AFC South  
     Colts 13-3
     Titans 10-6
     Texans 8-8
     Jaguars 3-13
AFC West  
     Broncos 9-7
     Chiefs 9-7
     Chargers 8-8
     Raiders 7-9
Championship Games
NFC: Niners over Rams AFC: Steelers over Colts
Super Bowl XXXVII
Niners 31, Steelers 18

Mr. Bozack's NFL 2002 PREDICTIONS

     Everyone will be picking the Rams to make the Bowl so I can’t just choose them. I see the Eagles losing to the Jets, okay maybe not the Jets, how about . . . . The Colts! Okay yeah The Colts get it together and make it all the way. There you go, Philly over the Colts for SB 37. 

     NFC Division winners: Rams, Eagles, Tampa Bay and Green Bay, Wildcards: Chicago and 49’ers. 

     AFC Division Winners: Jets, Indy, Pittsburgh, and Oakland, Wildcards: Chiefs, Miami.  I know Indy’s defense is horrible, but I think Dungy can get them to be decent, and the rest is up to Edgerrin James, Marvin Harrison and Peyton.  Besides I think Qadry Ismail may actually be a good luck charm. Can’t have too many Syracuse Orangemen on your team.

     Join TwistedFans' Fantasy Football Salary Cap Challenge (pw: Rogaine).

Willy P. Ondabich congratulates Bill Walsh on #6.  Go Niners! 
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