January 28, 2004

Minor Leaguer says Gay porn role a 'mistake'

ESPN.com: "I did participate in a video and I regret it very much," Indians minor league pitcher Kazuhito Tadano said. "It was a one-time incident that showed bad judgment and will never be repeated. I was young, playing baseball, and going to college and my teammates and I needed money."

Of course, Fleshbot has some NSFW coverage of this story.

The above is excerpted from the AP article on ESPN.com. However, there is also an article on AVN by Scott Ross which is almost identical to the ESPN, however it provides some additional details that is left out of the on on ESPN.com.

Scott Ross:

Billy Bean, who played for the Tigers, Dodgers and Padres came out of the closet after his retirement. Glenn Burke, who played with the Los Angeles Dodgers and Oakland Athletics has also come out of the closet

Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax is rumored to be gay, though he fiercely denied it.

In 2002, future Hall of Fame catcher Mike Piazza held a press conference to profess his heterosexuality after a gossip columnist suggested one of the Mets was gay.
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