



Ali Retrospective



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Butch Rogaine Cuts Ali Down to Size
He’s had books, biopics, and entire ceremonies dedicated to him, but our politically correct society has forgotten that Muhammad Ali is a hypocrite who rope-a-doped his country.

Northern Alliance Set to Pick Muhammad Ali as New Afghan Prez
This past Monday, former heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali appeared at a Washington press conference, where it was announced that he will serve as Afghanistan's new president.

In Homage to His Faith, Boxer Changes Name to ‘Duma Barstard'
"Whatever you may think of him, the man clearly has a code and philosophy in life: to have as little communication with reality as possible," continued King, while holding a garbage bag full of money. "I wouldn't promote his fights if he wasn't the kind of man he is."

Articles by Butch Rogaine who has written numerous articles and books, including I Hate Ali; Watch Out Children, When Your Bed Shakes It Means Ali is Under There; and Ali Floats Like Scum to the Top and Smells Like a Sheep and Luscious Rosenbaum. Edited by K-Cebo Satashi.

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