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January 3, 2003

~Is Pennington NFL's MVP?
~ESPN ranks your city's 2002 pro sports year.
~Being Darko Milicic.
~Who is voting for Vince Carter?

January 2, 2003 2002 Highlights: Caple's Year-in-Review. Jeff Merron's Sex & Sports. Eric Neel's Sports & Culture. Darren Rovell's Business Ttrends.

January 1, 2003

Going Live: Just launched The Men's Room which offers news and reviews on men's entertainment and by that they mean girls, games, gear, lifestyle, and the serious stuff.

December 31, 2002

Willy's Wonderful Pre-Season Predictions: On the Mark

AFC East: so exactly right it's scary (just substitute Chad for Vinny )
AFC North: Bengals pick aside, and was close to being right about the Browns had Tim Couch not broken his leg and finished the game, I was right about the Steelers. Ravens surprised everyone this year so that's not fair.
AFC South: Just switched the Colts and the Texans.
AFC West: I got the records pretty much correct except for the one who won the division.

NFC East: Cowboys completely wrong. But had they been healthy woulda been a different story. Also wrongly predicted Philly down year.
NFC North: I like the fact that I was the only one to not pick the Bears to make the postseason. Vikings I completely fucked up. Packers, was right.
NFC South: Pretty much correct. This is frighteningly accurate: "Saints. 9-7. Oooh, the Saints will come close to making the playoffs this year. And it will be fun to watch Jim Haslett blow a gasket on the final day of the season. Still though.No Ricky? no problem." I picked the Falcons but didn't get the Bucks right.
NFC West: I was the only one to not pick the Rams to win the division. Niners right.

December 30, 2002

Two good stories from last night's NBA games. I love what Garnett says about Marbury.
The NBA can be a place where athletes compete at the highest level, and where the torch is passed with grace and dignity. That was the case in Orlando Monday night, where Michael Jordan turned in 21 points, nine assists and eight rebounds for the Washington Wizards, but was upstaged by 32 points from the Magic's Tracy McGrady, who led his team to a 112-95 victory. After the game, Mr. McGrady revealed that His Airness had passed along a message in inimitable style. We'll let Jerry Brewer of the Orlando Sentinel explain. "Tracy McGrady cradled the shoes in his left arm and grinned. He was no longer an NBA prodigy, just a proud, young fellow holding onto something precious," he writes. "Michael Jordan had taken off his gray and white Nike shoes and handed them to the Orlando Magic star with a message scribbled on the side. Enjoyed the challenge. Good luck and stay healthy -- Michael Jordan. 'I might look at these shoes every day before I go out of the house,' McGrady said."

Then there was Minneapolis, where athletes competed at the highest level, but grace and dignity got shown the door before the reporters hit the locker room. Kevin Garnett had 22 points and 14 rebounds as the Timberwolves beat the Suns on Monday night, 104-98, despite 38 points from Suns' rookie Amare Stoudemire. But the performance that had everyone buzzing was turned in after the game by the Suns' Stephon Marbury, Mr. Garnett's former teammate. Who's also, apparently, Mr. Garnett's former friend. When asked to compare Stoudemire to Garnett at the same age, Marbury chose the low road: "It's not even close. [Kevin] doesn't even compare to Amare. Two different people. It's like Michael Jordan and Mario Elie." Ouch. Not surprisingly, a crowd of reporters soon appeared to watch Mr. Garnett watch a videotape of Marbury's comments. And Garnett's reaction? Steve Aschburner of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune was there. Just imagine this as one of those taped confessionals from MTV's "The Real World": "[T]his ain't even about the young fella. This is about Steph being jealous again. ... our paths split and I [dealt] with it, but in the back of his mind, I'm still on his mind. Of all the shit he's got to worry about, I'm on his mind. ... This is Steph being jealous. This is Steph. ... What is this going to gain? He want some more air time on ESPN or something? ... Since he left, I've been in the playoffs. Shit speaks for itself. I guess he wants to be me. ... Anyone who's followed Steph's career, ever since he left Minnesota, he's been in envy of -- for whatever reason -- Kevin Garnett. It's kind of funny. Out of all the things -- three kids, big family, a wife, bills -- but I'm on his mind every day. It's kind of flattering. It's like a girl. I'm on his mind like a girl." Crazy kids! Next episode is Feb. 23.

PRIMED FOR THE ROSE BOWL: Before they face off in the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day, Oklahoma and Washington State "meat" today in the traditional Lawry's Beef Bowl at "The Prime Rib" restaurant in Los Angeles. Since 1956, 15,720 players and coaches have inhaled more than 62,000 pounds of roasted prime rib. The total amount of one pound steaks are counted and whichever team eats the most wins. Last year, Nebraska ate 441 pounds to Miami's 428 pounds. The team that has eaten the most prime rib has won 33 times in the last 46 years.

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