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The Far Reaches...

Class of '05   

1905 MLB MVP

Hitting Statistics Cy Seymour Honus Wagner
Base on Balls 51 54
Batting Average .377 .363
Doubles 40 32
Triples 21 14
Hits 219 199
Home Runs 8 6
OBP .429 .427
RBI 121 101
Runs 95 114
Slugging Average .559 .505
Stolen Bases
21 57
Total Bases 325  

   Twisted Fans sports blog reader asked this week:  Who was the 1905 MLB MVP?

   First I checked out God of the Machine's advanced baseball statistics searchable database and found stats for every player in 1905.  Then I ran a series of custom queries which narrowed this list to six players.  

   I then looked at the big three categories (BA, HR, RBI) and decided it must be Cy Seymour of the Cincinnati Reds.

   I figured ok I'm done and can give this reader his answer since not only did Cy Seymour pretty much own those three categories (teammate Fred Odwell kept him from the Triple Crown by hitting one more HR than Cy; not only that but he would have also become the only player ever to league his league in doubles, triples and home runs in the same season), but he led the league in six major stats, including total bases.

   So next I ran two quick searches on Google to see if there was anything I missed either about him (Seymour, Cy), his team (1905 Cincinnati Reds), or any MLB official pages regarding who is the 1905 Major League MVP.

   On my last search I ran across brsmith@doubleswitch's web site who argues that Honus Wagner deserved the MVP despite the fact that Cy Seymour was the league's best player.

   Now this makes sense (as I've argued before Kidd not Duncan deserved the 2001-2002 NBA MVP), as brsmith writes, because "Honus Wagner's numbers weren't much different. The two players had similar batting averages; Seymour had a little more power than Wagner; Honus stole more bases. Wagner was a better defensive player at a more demanding position. Wagner's team had a much better year [the Reds finished in 5th]. And Seymour's numbers were helped by his home park [(park factor rating of 111) (cf. Pittsburgh Park Factor of 103)], which was very good for hitters."

   On the other hand, Cy Seymour batted 14 points higher, his slugging % was 54 points higher, he had 20 more hits, 8 more doubles, 7 more triples, 2 more home runs, and led the league in total bases despite the fact that Wagner had 36 more steals and 19 more runs.

Quote of the Week

Fellow Rutgers Alumnus Ray Lucas assessment after throwing four interceptions and losing two fumbles:  

     "The way I played today was probably the worst a quarterback has ever played in the history of the N.F.L."

TwistedFans Feedback

deoiuvante writes:

     You have got to be fucking joking. TMQ makes your stupid site and comments look like a child wrote it. Go ahead and post all the white trash, ignorant rants all you want. It just makes you look like an even bigger moron than you already are, it that's possible. The guy even has some good football insight. The whole point of his writing is to not make Football so stupidly serious, you uptight jack-ass. You shouldn't make a mockery of something you don't understand, it makes you look extremely fooslish and ignorant.

   I'm sorry but TMQ Still Sucks!

K-Cebo's Fantasy Fix

     Accept the fact that once in a while, Commissioner.com's commguru is right.

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