Opening credits to the Cardinals' saga
Each summer, Arizona Cardinals flock to this tiny university campus of Northern Arizona University for six weeks where their calm, non-confrontational ways grace the surroundings in a most pleasant fashion.
(Excerpt from show transcript) "For decades-- save for one unexplained brief aberration from natural form in the winter of 1998 --their peers in this rural community and in the NFL (the National Finches League) have come to rely on them as an endless source of tranquil joy-giving. In 2001, the Cardinals are back again. And the Discovery Channel has taken an exclusive, in-depth look at the daily regimens of the Arizona Cardinal; and how it maintains its nucleus of placidity."
A sample diary from the campus grasslands from Friday, August 10th:
4:00am. Breakfast. Worms.
4:30am. Back to sleep.
6:30am. Awake again. Stretching.
8:00am. Dozens of Cardinals gather on campus field for an apparent social ritual.
9:00am. Weight training.
10:30am. Back on the field. Grooming.
10:30am. Football practice. Twenty-man scrimmages.
12:00pm. Lunch. Worms.
1pm. Naptime.
5pm. Film review of earlier scrimmages. Happy chirping and group laughter.
6pm. Dinner. Worms.
8:30pm. Group activities. Bingo in Student Center lounge.
11pm. Movie time. This week, "Hard Knocks" (HBO).
12am. Bedtime in the tree.
Please tune in at 8:00PM (EST) to catch the full story on this peculiar, lovely species. Family viewing, rated "G" for family audiences.