



Butch Rogaine Interviews Rebel Oakland Raider Kicker Sebastian Janikowski



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This week, TwistedFans Senior Staff Writer Butch Rogaine interviewed Sebastian Janikowski after his team's triumph over the New York Jets.

Butch Rogaine: Hi Sebastian, how does it feel to be going into the next round of the playoffs?

Sebastian Janikowski: It feel good Butch. I am healthy feeling now.

BR: That's certainly clear. After some foot problems, you came back to kick a couple of 40+ yard field goals last week.

"My head still pounds from the wodka I must drink to make foot healthy again."

SJ: Yes, Butch, before I had some bad hobbit.

BR: Really? What kind of stuff were you doing that caused your foot infection? Or was it just maybe neglect of the foot?

SJ: No, no, I take good care of foot. It not Sebastian fault. I have bad hobbit in foot, like Lord of Rings.

BR: Huh? Can you explain that?

SJ: Yes Butch, I go to some club and drink wodka and then I driving home. I hear something in shoe while I push on gas pedal. It was hobbit in my foot.

BR: Wait, you're sure someone didn't just slip you something in your drink?

SJ: No, No! I stop car in middle of highway, take off right shoe and find hobbit growing out of my big toe. He had little arms and a little head and scream at me.

BR: What did he scream at you?

SJ: Sebastian not know, he speaking English very fast and I not able to keep up with him.

BR: So you were on the injured list because you had a hobbit growing out of your foot?

SJ: Well, that not exactly why I have infection. Sebastian see hobbit and get angry. It like having stranger in your own home. I take wrench from trunk and beat shit out of hobbit. Then I pass out in car. I wake up with foot bleeding and hobbit gone.

BR: Oh, I see. But the hobbit hasn't come back has he?

SJ: No thanks God, he not come back to my foot, but I think he might try to get into [back up kicker Brad] Daluiso's foot. I check his feet every night and he checks mine. So far so good.

BR: Thank you for your time Sebastian and good luck the rest of the way.

SJ: Cheers Butch!

by Butch Rogaine

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