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TF Exclusive: 
Butch Interviews Van Gundy


Tues, Dec 11, 2001


Issue #27


TwistedFans senior staff writer Butch Rogaine sat down with former Knicks coach Jeff Van Gundy, for his first interview since leaving the team. The coach spoke about why he left, what he'll miss most, and his plans for the future.

Butch Rogaine: Jeff, is there any truth to the rumor that you left the Knicks because Madison Square Garden vendors have started selling Diet Pepsi instead of Diet Coke?

Jeff Van Gundy: Absolutely untrue. I could always bring my own can of Diet Coke if I wanted to. At any rate, I'm not that caffeine dependent anymore, the Dakota Indians are helping me end my
 Diet Coke habit.

Jeff runs from Butch to get started on NBA Live 2002.

BR: Really? What's that all about?

JVG: I'm trying to find my inner self. After this interview, I'm going to a Dakota reservation, where I can gamble, smoke peace pipes and get some inner clarity. They say it helps regrow hair too.

BR: That's an awfully strange thing to do.

JVG: Not if you know about my master plan...

BR: What?

JVG: I am going to coach the Lakers to another championship.

BR: But ... they already have a coach.

[Van Gundy takes out Playstation 2]

BR: Now I see. You're gonna be playing a season of NBA Live 2002.

JVG: Yeah, I started playing at the beginning of the season, but all those practices and real games the Knicks played really put a crimp in my gaming. I mean, on Playstation I can coach Shaq and Kobe instead of that idiot Allan Houston. The Dakotas are gonna help me focus and train for the tough season.

BR: What or who are you going to miss most now that you're leaving NY?

JVG: Easy answer: Charlie Ward. It's hard not to like that Bible preaching, Anti Semite, Heisman hack point guard. He means well.

BR: Who could you see replacing you as head coach in NY?

JVG: Patrick Ewing of course. But he's not available.

BR: Yeah, he's signed with the Magic now.

JVG: No, that's not what I mean. He's gonna be playing with me this season. I figure that I'll just buy out his $500,000 contract and we can go at it in 2 player mode.

BR: Nice. Thank you for your time coach.

JVG: No prob.

The former Division III point guard from Rochester's Nazareth College may have left on his own terms, but Butch Rogaine believes that the Knicks front office's failure to acquire a big man in the off season and the horrible inhumanity of some Knicks fans ultimately led to JVG's retirement.

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