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Sunday, July 28, 2002

You lie to your boss, skip work, paint your face, don a replica jersey and then sneak into the ballpark, where you chug a beer and have sex during the seventh-inning stretch. You're a demented fanatic, right? No, you're just another sports fan, don't believe me, then read Jim Caple's One nation ... under a jersey.

Sick of the endless strike talk looming over baseball, give the Minors a look in these articles by Bill Pennington Minor Leagues Hit the Mark and Michael Shapiro on the Brooklyn Cyclones.

Sunday, July 21, 2002

Defending the Beantown Faithful: Pretty funny shit at The luke Reprt ripping up ESPNMag writer Scott Burton

Thursday, July 18, 2002

The 10 Worst Sports Shows In Television History: Sports Fan Magazine's Greg Wyshynski offers his list of the 10 most regrettable sports programs to ever hit the small screen.

Monday, July 15, 2002

High School Athletes: Bigger, Stronger, Older -Extra Year Helps Boys Develop for Colleges, Pros, but Questions of Fairness Raised

Monday, July 08, 2002

Fans barred for Nobody Night: The Charleston Riverdogs in their bid to set professional baseball's lowest attendance, barrred everybody except employees, scouts and media from entering the stadium.

Monday, July 01, 2002

MLB All-Star Game's 30th Man: Who should you vote for? by ESPN's David Schoenfield

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