Issue #8

Bile: One Nation Under Ichiro

July 10, 2001




Letter to The Editor:

     Who would have thought? One Japanese player all the fuss...

     Are the Mariners really that good or are they just headed for a Major League flop after their international debut at the All-Star Game.

     Regardless that most votes traditionally come out of the host stadium, this year most votes came via internet AND from Japan.

     As if any other players had a chance this year. Why don't we just watch the Mariners play the National League? Don't get me wrong, the Mariners may have a great team and are undeniably off to a great start, but is it worth my while to tune in tonight to watch the Japanese flag flying high over Safeco and all those Mariners choking when they get their big break.

     If you ask me, I hope that reality follows fiction and Godzilla (or Don Zimmer) eats all those Mariners by the fifth inning. Because that's when I will be tuning in to see the real all stars.

Irate in Manhattan

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