



K-Cebo Tries to Solve the
'Boycott or Not To Boycott' Debate Amongst Baseball Fans



Currently on TwistedFans.com

Issue #55

THE SITE: mlbfanstrike.com

THE SCOOP: MLB FAN STRIKE proposes the boycott of Major League Baseball because of the continued threat of a Players Strike.

THEIR LEADER: [email protected]

WHAT THEY ASK YOU TO DO: Next scheduled  strike is August 1. 

  • Don’t go to any MLB games on August 1, 2002
  • Don’t watch ANY games on TV, or purchase any MLB Properties products
  • Don’t listen to ANY games on the radio.
  • Don’t use any MLB internet services, including listening to games via the internet.

THE SITE: loveofbaseball.com

THE SCOOP: Love of Baseball does not believe that a fan strike will not work because not all fans will strike.

THEIR LEADER: [email protected]

WHAT THEY ASK YOU TO DO: Show your Love of Baseball on the day of the proposed fan strike. They naively believe that if the fans show the owners and players how much you love the game by not boycotting it, then the players and owners won't strike.

K-Cebo's Analysis: I can't agree with Love of Baseball because no matter how much we love the game the players and owners are obviously willing to risk it for their Love of Money.  (I really can't blame the players - striking during the season is merely pre-emptive to avoid an off-season lockout.)  But I also don't believe that MLB Fan Strike will garner the necessary support under their proposed agenda. So how do we resolve these competing interests and unite all fans under a single mantra they can swallow? 

K-Cebo's Quandary: So how do we satisfy our needs to watch every game right up to the strike but yet, protesting so that our voice is heard and Baseball knows it's fans our outraged while garnering the most public support possible? 

K-Cebo's SOLUTION: By publicly boycotting the products of the advertisers who pay the networks who pay the teams/owners who pay the players. Then you can enjoy the game but still get your point across. Consumer boycotts via web protest or letter writing or making phone calls to the advertisers has been for years a successful way in convincing advertisers to not sponsor programming. The cable and tv stations are still locked in to showing the games for the rest of the season, but the millions of fans nationwide can flex their considerable consumer muscle to let baseball know --- a strike now will mean no more revenue in the future.

So enjoy the games (or now), just make sure you don't buy the products and let the advertisers know about it. 

K-Cebo Satashi hopes that loveofbaseball.com and MLBFanStrike.com will assist the fans by compiling a list of advertisers to boycott and work together in unison to help avert another baseball strike.
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