



Butch Rogaine Interviews Lakers
During NBA Finals



Currently on TwistedFans.com

Issue #51

TwistedFans.com senior correspondent Butch Rogaine donned the costume of a Nets mascot and interviewed various L.A. Lakers during Game 3 of the NBA Finals. Butch stood behind the basket during play, and posed several mind numbing questions. Here's how the interviews went:

Butch Rogaine: Hey Shaq, you seem to be enjoying the game, what with all the

Kobe sits to chat with Butch during game 3.
points and rebounds you've got.

Shaq: What do you mean Butch? The Finals haven't really started yet, have they?

BR: Sure they have. This is Game 3, and you guys have a 2 games to 0 lead.

Shaq: Wow! I thought this was some kind of practice for the finals or something. I mean, the Nets players have just been standing around like mannequins the last couple of days.

BR: [After Shaq slam] Nice job Shaq.

Shaq: That was easy. It's not like anyone was in my way.

BR: [sees Kobe running towards basket for layup] Hey Kobe, how you doin'?

Kobe Bryant: [hands on hips after layup] Good Butch, real good. I wish we wuz playing for real though.

BR: But you are playing for real.

Kobe: Really? Doesn't feel like it. I mean coach [Tex] Winter puts up more of a fight in warmups.

BR: [sees Rick Fox snagging rebound and passing off to Shaq] Hey Rick, how you feelin'? Are these Nets putting as much of a fight as Sacramento?

R. Fox: Not really, but I'm sure they'll turn it on once the game starts.

BR: But Rick, we're right in the middle of game 3 of the finals!

R. Fox: You mean this isn't a McDonalds commercial shoot? [runs to the other end of court and scores fast break dunk]

BR: [approaches coach Phil Jackson] Hey, did you know your team doesn't know it's playing in an NBA Finals game?

P Jax: Shh! Don't tell them that.

BR: But shouldn't they know they're winning game 3 of the finals?

P. Jax: No, that is not part of the game plan.

BR: Jeez, I wonder if the Nets know this game is for real ...

Butch Rogaine has just subbed in at center for and Stanislav Medvedenko.

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