TwistedFans Senior Baseball Analyst Butch Rogaine scouted every team this spring, and after interviewing a large assortment of players, beat writers, team scouts and executives, he compiled his expert assessment of each team. Mr. Rogaine then got drunk with his friend Yarmulka Jones and wrote down some real analysis. His pick is a Rangers-Expos World Series with the Lone Star state winning its first Championship in Arlington. Read Butch's capsules and you will see why ...
EAST: Contraction gold for the Devil Rays
CENTRAL: The mighty Indians are back with a new team name and an eye on the playoffs!!
WEST: Don't mess with Texas!
EAST: Vive L'Minor Leagues
CENTRAL: Shrunken ‘Nads Equal Houston Wins
WEST: Quaid + Costner = Playoffs for Pods

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