In early September Editor K-Cebo Satashi and Senior Staff Writer Butch Rogaine sat down with the now defunct Industry Standard. Here's an excerpt from the lost interview.

K-Cebo and Butch at Asia Roma answer a few questions for the now defunct Industry Standard. |
IS: Why did you start the site?
BR: K-Cebo was masturbating non-stop while preparing for the bar exam. Both of his hands had become so callused that he could no longer pleasure himself. Left with just some un-calloused skin on his fingertips, he began typing away and designing a site.
KS: Butch, due to his colossal failure as a proctologist, was about to throw himself off of the Williamsburg Bridge, so I proposed we build a sports parody site. Butch still threw himself off the bridge and died, but his corpse was reanimated via a Mayan ritual performed by Mexican construction workers who stood over his waterlogged body. Insane in the membrane, he began writing articles as Luscious Rosenbaum.
IS: When Did you start the site?
BR: From the Dawn of Time we came, wandering endlessly for many centuries. No one knew we were among you ... until now.
IS: Who is your audience?
BR: Jim Jarmusch, Danny Devito, seat filler, Steve Martin
IS: Do you write all of your own content?
BR: No, sometimes we type it.
IS: Competition?
KS: puresexmovies, Hanks movie galleries...