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 Dec. 18, 2001

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 Volume 1, Issue 29  December 25, 2001  


Bucs' Sapp Briefly Endorses Hamas Before Learning They Have No Ham
Sneak Peak of Eddie G.'s New United Way Commercial

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Butch Rogaine
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C. Maroussi
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Luscious Rosenbaum

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Merry X-Mas from TF


  While you're freezing your asses off this Holiday Season. TF is cold chillin' in Afghanistan and catching some sweet Buzkashi action. 
  See you next year!

TwistedFans Nominates the Top Sports Movies of the Year!

  • Mitch Gaylord of the Rings
  • Clay
  • How High: The Bill Lee Story
  • Seifert's Eleven
  • Not Another Jordan Comeback
  • Shallow Cal
  • Schilling and the Steinbrenner Stone
  • Traffic - starring Nate Newton

Twisted Quotes

"He's completely useless around the house" ~ Jon Gruden's wife gives Missy Stark some insight

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Issel Apologizes For Vocalizing True, Racist Feelings

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Butch Rogaine Reviews the Christmas Sports Flick Deidre and Ty

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