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World Series Conspiracy: A Political Editorial by K-Cebo Satashi


Tues, Nov 13, 2001


Issue #23


wpe33.jpg (8195 bytes) NEW YORK, NY – Conspiracy afoot!

     No way Mariano "Mo" Rivera really throws one away with the game on the line? You tellin me that Jeter couldn't make the stretch? Why the hell were the Yanks in at the corners and deep in the middle like they had played earlier in the series with one out and man on first? 

    All these "mistakes" led to the Arizona Diamondbacks clinching the World Series in the seventh game of one of the most dramatic World Series ever.

     Is it possible that the most dominant pitcher in World Series history could really be hit by Mark Grace? Grace claimed that Zim had a pact with the devil. But Grace or rather John McCain made a pact with Rudy.

Reuters Photo
Above: Rudy cuts and John inspects a few balls for Brian Anderson before sending them to umpire Ed Rappuano.
     TwistedFans inside sources are reporting that it was more than mere hospitality that New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani watched from his usual front-row seat near the Yankees' dugout with Arizona Republican Senator John McCain. Rudy elected to sit with McCain rather than President George W. Bush who was there to throw out the first pitch. Bush watched from an upstairs box with commissioner Bud Selig, Yankees Owner George Steinbrenner and New York Governor George Pataki, .

     "Rudy sat with John because they were working out a deal that would allow the D-backs to win the series in return for him selecting Rudy as his running mate in the 2004 Presidential election," McCain's top-aide told TwistedFans.

      "Rudy's growing nationwide popularity, spurred by recent tragic events, and his influence over the Yankees, in particular, made this the only decision for John," he went on to say.

     Another McCain staffer announced that "The Mayor and the Senator felt that orchestrating one of the best ever World Series would go along way to helping them at the polls in November 2004."

President Bush
Above: Bush began the night by throwing a strike.

    Could the D-backs have won any other way. No way. Gonzo may have had 57 homers in the regular season, but he couldn't even hit it out of the infield during the Series. If it wasn't for Jeter sitting on the infield grass, there was no way that bloop could've won the game for the team from Arizona.

     Where does this all leave President Bush in 2004? According to Arizona Diamondbacks Manager Bob Brenly, the ex-Rangers Owner's pitch featured a little late movement, much like a cut fastball and he could fill the 5 spot on the D-backs rotation. "Good stuff, good stuff," said Brenly.

K-Cebo Satashi looks forward to working with Governor Jeb Bush and Mayor Mike Bloomberg to get the Jets an AFC East title.

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